Ms Natasha Leader


Natasha is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) & Qualified Diabetes Educator and has spent a wealth of time in a variety of different settings including tertiary care hospitals, private practices and in the rural community. Natasha specialises in the management of diabetes, antenatal, weight management, gastroenterology, organ transplant and cancer services.

As well as the time I spend with patients and clients, I also am involved at times in various research projects and provide education sessions for general practitioners and other health professionals. I also reside as ‘in- kitchen dietitian’ for which is a world-first site providing information, support, and recipes for women with gestational diabetes.

“(What I find most rewarding is…) seeing people benefit from improving their health and gaining control over medical conditions”.

Our Team

Dr Mary Girgis


Peter Seligman


Olivia Adoncello

Exercise Physiologist